Hint Setup Guide | Employee Enrollment & Eligibility

Hint Setup Guide | Employee Enrollment & Eligibility

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Employee Enrollment & Eligibility Setup Guide 

Welcome to the Employee Enrollment & Eligibility Setup Guide! This comprehensive guide aims to assist you in efficiently setting up and managing employee enrollments and eligibility criteria. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will be able to streamline the enrollment process for your organization. Let's begin!

Step 1 | Welcome to Nice Healthcare

Check your email for your Welcome to Nice Healthcare invitation with the subject lineComplete Your Account Setup: Nice Healthcare Awaits You!

Important Note: If you did not receive your invite via email, please email clientsupport@nice.healthcare and they will provide a direct link to your Hint Health account. 

Step 2 | Creating your Hint Health Account

Please note that Hint Health is our secure third-party HIPAA-compliant enrollment platform.

  1. Select the Accept Invitation option, then enter and confirm the following:
  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Confirm Email
  4. Create Password
  5. Read and agree to Hint Health’s Terms of Service

  1. Click the Sign Up button and proceed to the next step. 

  1. Once you have created and verified your account, enter your email and password to continue. 


Step 3 | Confirm your company and contact information

Review and make any necessary changes to your account profile. Ensure all information is accurate and click "Update" to save the changes.

Employee Pricing: Your company's plan type, which is commonly listed as Employer-NoVisitFee.

Enrollment and Termination settings: These are securely set to standard default settings.


To access the relevant tabs for employee enrollment and eligibility, please be aware of the following labeled sections below:

  1. Employees
  2. Account & Pricing [Please disregard the enrollment & terminations section as those are set as a default. Nice covers all dependents, at no additional cost.]
  3. Employee Uploads


❗️Important Note: Hint Health serves as the primary source of truth for enrollment and eligibility information for your employees. This ensures that our care team and clinicians can verify the information accurately, allowing us to provide uninterrupted care. It is crucial to maintain accurate and up-to-date information in Hint to facilitate a seamless healthcare experience for your employees.

Billing invoices related to your account are sent via bill.com directly to the billing contact provided at the time of execution of your service agreement. Please ignore the Invoices, Payment Options, and Invoice Settings tabs.  

Step 4 | Prepare your CSV File for Upload or Manually Enter Employees

  1. Make a copy & download your preferred eligibility file type. 
    1.       Google Sheet
    2.       Excel {Attached]
  2. Please be sure to SAVE as a .csv once you’re ready to upload.
  1. If you prefer to "Manually" enter your employees please select the +New Employee or Dependent option available under the Employees section.

      2.  The following fields are require for a successful upload or manual entry and are highlighted below.
  1. First & Last Name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Address
  4. Email
  5. Member type
  1. Employee, spouse, or child 
  1. Effective date
  1. Also known as your launch date or the date when an employee becomes eligible for Nice benefits

❗️Important Note: Kindly ensure strict adherence to the format requirements provided in the template to avoid any upload failures.

Step 5 | Uploading your Employee's Eligibility [.csv]

  1. Once you’ve entered your employee's information and saved your file, you’ll head to the Employee Uploads tab and select +Upload file in the upper right-hand corner. 

  1. Locate the file on your computer by selecting Choose File, and once your file has been selected, please proceed and click the Upload option. 

  1. At this time, you’ll finalize your upload by selecting Process Upload. 

  1. After the upload, the status will change to enqueued below. Please allow 5-10 minutes for processing, and then refresh the screen—the status will then change to processed. Note that if the upload fails, the status will indicate the reason for the failure.

  1. Please select the Employees tab to view your employee's enrollment or make any necessary changes to their eligibility status. Here you will have the option to:
  1. Edit Employee Information
  2. Unenroll 
  3. + New Employee or Dependent

Please note that under the employee list, the status will reflect the following fields: 

  1. Enrolled, which is the effective benefit date, also known as the launch date.
  2. Eligible from, which is the date of the employee upload or the date you manually entered the employee using option c above. 
  3. Only the Enrolled date is used when confirming the employee benefit eligibility.  

Now it’s time to cue the confetti 🎉 — your employee’s eligibility enrollment is complete! 

**All screenshot images include demo data strictly used for training purposes